Chandler grew up in Austin, Texas and comes from an incredible and unique family - think Jones-Trapp (Von Trapp - yes I'm obsessed with The Sound of Music) they don't have seven children, but they do have five and are all talented and adorable individuals and Chandler is the eldest - making her Liesle who is by far my favorite - NO WONDER I ADORE CHAN.
Channy has the best love-story to tell... Once upon a time, close to two years ago there was a fashionable, beautiful young woman named Charlotte Chandler Jones. She had attended Baylor for several years and then one day agreed to go on a blind date one of her dear friends had set up. Enter the charming, kind, patient Franklin...
After a whirlwind of the first several months (including a weekend visit from Franklin while Chandler was in Argentina) ... LOVE. I adore these two together - their personalities and strengths compliment each other in such an awesome way.
C….Cute as a Button!!
H….Happy as a clam (she's literally always a pick-me-up to be around)
A….Agile in her excersize class (HELLO ZUMBA)
N….Never without Starbucks
D….Divinely inspired
L….Loves her dog Pudge
E….Excels in baking (Gluten free!)
R….Rocks my world with her look on life!
I am so honored to call such an incredibly talented, BEAUTIFUL, encouraging, CHRIST-CENTERED loving, funny, RELIABLE girl one of my best friends...
Cassie Jo
You two are very blessed to have each other as friends. Cherish this time together!